Did you know about ISO 9001 Certification?

As we all know, a business can survive and thrive only when the quality of its product and services meets the market requirements. For this purpose, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) established a set of standards,
ISO 9001 certification, that helps the organizations in implementing a Quality Management System (QMS). This standard was last updated in 2015, and hence, the latest version is ISO 9001:2015. The revision brought some changes in the previous version, ISO 9001:2008, which is discussed later in this article.


As mentioned above, ISO 9001 provides a blueprint for an organization maintaining the quality of their products and services. This is a highly flexible standard that can be designed according to various needs of the organization. It can be applied to all the organizations across varied sectors. This standard can be applied to entities of all sizes- big and small. 

ISO 9001 can be sought by people, facilities, training, and equipment. It provides for continual improvement of the management system. The QMS certification services identifies 7 industries that must definitely apply for ISO 9001. These are- construction, technology services, manufacturing, engineering, hotel and hospitality, health, and community services.

HOW IS ISO 9001:2015 DIFFERENT FROM ISO 9001:2008?

The latest version of ISO 9001 was published in September 2015 and the entities across the globe were given a timeline of 3 years to transition to the newer version. However, due to Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a further extension of six months for undergoing the transition. ISO outlines the following major differences between the two versions:

  • This standard is more prescriptive in nature, i.e., it focuses more on processes and less on documented procedures.
  • The approach is towards “Risk-based thinking”. The management tool of Plan-Do-Check-Act is applied here.
  • It follows the common High-Level Structure (HLS) which makes the integration with other management systems much easier.


  • Create a contract with your certification body

The contract that you prepare with your certification body includes yours as well as the registrar’s rights and obligations. It also includes the liability issues, access rights, and confidential clauses.

  • Quality Documents Review

This is where the documentation of your processes comes in-handy. The auditor from the certification body of your choice reviews your documentation and verifies it with your current practices. This helps in identifying any non-conformities. 

  • Prepare a corrective action plan

A corrective action plan should be prepared to fill the gaps that are identified as non-conformities at the time of audit. This can be done by providing training to your employees for better adoption of the standard’s requirements.

  • Initial Certification Audit

The initial certification audit comprises of two stages:

  1. Stage one (documentation survey) – In this, the reviewers from the certification body of your choice thoroughly verifies your documentation against the prerequisites of ISO certification.
  2. Stage two (Primary audit) – A thorough investigation of reports, records and company practices verifies the efficiency of your management system in meeting the requirements of ISO certification
  • Completing the ISO Certification

Once all non-conformities are taken care of and all the findings are mentioned in the ISO audit report, the registrar grants you the ISO certification.

  • Surveillance Audits

In order to verify that the requirements of ISO certification are constantly fulfilled, a surveillance audit is conducted every year after the initial certification audit.

 Sis certifications is the top ISO certification bodies to provide ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Al Khobar, Dhahran, Buraidah,and other all major cities. We support organizations in obtaining international standard certifications like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 22000, ISO 22301, ISO 13485, CE MARK, and other standards. We provide these certifications under accreditation board IOAS, IAS and IAF. 



  1. Very useful information. Thank you very much for sharing. I like it very much.
    Kosher Certification Malaysia


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